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1 Clitbait pitch & opportunity currently available
We always welcome submissions and are so excited to hear from our lovely community! To submit an ad hoc article or poem, please send them to When responding to any of our call outs below, please send to the relevant editor.
Write a Poem:
Prompt: “Distance”
Hey cuties, we’re doing another poetry callout! For December we’re looking at free verse poems and the theme we have chosen to go along with this structure is “Distance”. You can interpret “distance” in any way you wish; geographical distance; emotional distance; the distance between now and the past or the future. Free verse has no specific rhyming or rhythmic scheme, so no need to worry about couplets of iambic pentameter, just go wild! Think instead about internal rhymes, or rhythms without rules.
Our submission deadline is the 12th of December.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: size 12pt, Times New Roman standard font. 15 lines (not sentences) or less. Please send it as a word or google document. Make sure that the work you send is formatted as it would be published.
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