Do you want to contribute a written piece to Clitbait? Here are some guidelines to make submitting to us easier 🙂 If you have any specific questions, you can reach out to the relevant section leader . Please note that the following only relates to submissions, if you would like to pitch something that we haven’t covered in the following, then please reach out to our team!
Submissions must have a clear link to the topic of intersectional feminism. We have six thematic sections of our site:
- Sex and Relationships
- Arts and Culture
- Environment
- Politics
- Society and Community
- Poetry
All submissions must be original work, we ask that the your piece does not exceed the limit of 1,000 words- unless a longer word count is agreed upon by an editor
In general, we prefer if submissions are written in the first person. We favour first person narratives that are written in an informal, chatty tone. If your piece adopts an academic approach, we may ask you to rework it in line with our in-house style.
If your piece is a general one without a clear link to our themes, such as ‘why I like flowers’ or ‘my favorite time of the day is afternoon’, then we may ask you to edit it so that it has a clear thematic link. For example, ‘afternoon delight: exploring day time sex’. If you need help, please email our section leaders for guidance on this.
All writers should be wary of their positionality before writing; are you speaking for a community that is usually silenced? Are you contributing to existing marginalisation? If you are in doubt then take a look at some of our previously published work to get a sense of what kind of positionality we prefer. This article is a good example of an author understanding their positionality and privilege when writing.
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