Meet the Clitbait Team: an interview with Fliss Haslin, Comms Officer…
Meet the CB team: Felicity Haslin
Name, role and pronouns:
Felicity (Fliss) Haslin (she/her), Comms Officer
Fun fact:
My name means happiness in English and most Latin-derived languages, which… is ironic since I take anti-depressants. I also changed my surname because my given surname was Welsh (which I am not) and even I wasn’t 100% sure I could say it right.
What does intersectional feminism mean to you?
I think intersectional feminism is the only approach that can hope to address the complexity and nuance of our societal institutions and their failings. So many people don’t realise that one can be simultaneously privileged and oppressed. It gives us our best opportunity for equity – not just for one group, but for all. The benefits of feminism shouldn’t be a shortage like toilet roll in the pandemic.
What is your favourite thing about Clitbait?
They say you are who you surround yourself with, and if I can be like all the amazing, strong and inspirational people in the Clitbait team, I will be doing very well for myself indeed.
What inspires you?
My friends.
What things do you do outside Clitbait that you are proud of?
Honestly, realising I was AuDHD and releasing myself from two decades of self-hatred. It takes guts to embrace being different!
A guilty feminist confession?
Although I hate JK Rowling, I will never be able to not love Harry Potter.
A personal feminist triumph?
Realising I had developed a number of unhealthy habits in the search for male validation – and giving up all that toxicity cold turkey.
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