On that night I was outside with the bouncers doing bag checks while also keeping an eye on them, as bouncers in general have a reputation for their bias against minority groups. So there I was, nestled in between two large and looming men in black wearing a pink beret and red lipstick. It was a terrifying sight indeed.
Cricket and Afghanistan: remarkable but expected?
For those of you who follow cricket, you might be aware that the T20 World Cup is currently taking place. To the surprise, or lack thereof, of many, Afghanistan is also playing despite the country currently experiencing the aftermath of a Taliban takeover. The question of whether or not their presence is a surprise comes from an intertwined history of the rise of cricket and political turmoil in the country. And whether you are shocked or not, either feeling is likely to inspire an uneasiness about the short and long term state of this country, and the consistency of cricket in the midst of this.
About Faces: In conversation with Grace Payne-Kumar
There are some people out there who are blessed to know exactly what they want to do from a young age. Luckily for us, Grace Payne-Kumar is one of them.
Paradise Found: Home Lost
Don’t you just hate it when you’re looking at a piece of art in a gallery and there is no writing to explain what on Earth the art means? You just stand there, perplexed, wondering how much of an idiot you are for the kinds of interpretations you’re coming up with.
Anger and Gender: Equal but not the Same
Anger is an emotion that is highly influenced by gender. That is not to say that men are angrier beings. This is a popular misconception that plays into gender stereotypes of men being allowed to feel anger more than others, when in fact all genders feel anger equally and as intensely as one another.
Dear Past Me, Reincarnation is not just for the afterlife.
Dear Past Me, you’re a very feeling soul aren’t you? Your bookshelf is stacked with anthologies of poetry you’ll happily weep to, stories of chivalry and romance you’d gladly read again, and contemporary satires that will make you want to walk along the street feeling like you too could be in that novel. You pine for a world where you’re at the mercy of the beauty of life, and you’ll happily go along with that whether it be good or bad for you because all forms of beauty are beautiful after all…
Racism in Edinburgh and the plight of PoC to ensure an adequate response
On Friday 11th December at 7pm, Michael Nio, a British student at the University of Edinburgh was attacked by a group of teenagers outside of the University’s George Square library. This article, however, is not a news article and will not talk about this event from an impartial perspective. Racism does not deserve impartiality.
The Partition of India: on fearing the word ‘independence’
Manvir, our brilliant Arts and Culture editor, unpacks the deadly legacy of the partition of the Indian subcontinent…
Meet the CB team: Manvir Dobb
Meet the Clitbait Team: an interview with Manvir Doob, Copy Editor
Race and beauty: Fanny Eaton, the Pre-Raphaelites, and revising art history
Many people associate the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) with beautiful snow-skinned redheads. However, as with all first bases of academic research, if you go to the Wikipedia page for the PRB, the word “redhead” nor any other mention of hair colour comes up. Wary of Wikipedia, one starts to think to themselves, is Wikipedia hiding something from me or have I been disillusioned by popular art history? Is Wikipedia being woke or stupid, or am I?…