Meet the Clitbait Team: an interview with Manvir Doob, Copy Editor

Meet the CB team: Manvir Dobb
Name, Pronouns and Role:
Manvir Dobb (she/her), Copy Editor
Fun fact:
Going to uni in Edinburgh from home in Birmingham (with a huge South Asian population) has forced me to learn how to thread my own eyebrows. So if anyone else needs an eyebrow lady, I’m here for you.
What does intersectional feminism mean to you?
Complete compassion and empathy for others. No single person is going to understand every minority struggle; and the whole point of intersectional feminism is not about relating to an issue, but being able to listen to marginalised voices in order to understand how to stand and fight with those who need support. It’s about being part of a diverse and uplifting community.
What is your favourite thing about Clitbait?
The community! I’ve only just started in the position of Arts and Culture editor, but already I have been stunned by the warmth of everyone on the team, and even before becoming an editor I’ve always felt welcomed and inspired by their kindness.
What inspires you?
Reading, particularly books by those of marginalised backgrounds. The stories they tell, whether it is about themselves, someone else, a struggle, or a victory, I am constantly amazed. It really helps me understand lives outside of my own, which is important when personal struggles can be dangerously all-consuming. So when I read these books, I am reminded of the power and necessity of feminism, and the different perspectives that emerge from it.
What things do you do outside Clitbait that you are proud of?
I cohost a comedy podcast called Audacious Aunties, where we try to decolonise culture and look at the arts outside of the western gaze. It’s been really fun and eye-opening learning about marginalised voices in the arts world, and being able to share this with others has hopefully encouraged a much needed conversation about how “culture” is not owned by the West.
A guilty feminist confession?
I’m a feminst, but I really don’t like taking out the bins. I managed to hoax my male flatmates into taking out the bins in my first year of uni, which I never did once.
A personal feminist triumph?
I overcame my fear of technology (I know, so vague but I can’t explain it any other way), and have started learning how to code.
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