Trick or Treat
A heavy wooden door stands shut,
An eye stares back through the glass
At strangers in disguise.
I open my door for very few.
Will you treat me well, or will you
Disappoint, as so many have before?
I remember distant lore,
Of a girl who gave herself away in baskets by the door,
All the sweet parts of me on offer for a smile.
It has been a long while
Since I felt so sweet.
What if I trust you, and we decide to meet,
Only for you to change your mind,
Or leave me in a grave for the dogs to find?
My hopes burnt to the quick, left in cinders.
Just another horror story: a Tinder
Date gone terribly wrong.
But one day someone will sing me a song,
Or tell me a joke, and I’ll crack open that door.
I’ve done it before.
My eyes will go wide, heart skip a beat.
The door swings open. Trick or treat.
Robyn Barclay
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