Reflections on ‘Feminist Futures’ at the Lighthouse Radical Bookfair, Imagining an alternative world

The Radical Bookfair hosted by Lighthouse Books has become an annual meeting ground for creative discourses that often live on the margins of our mainstream media, to be thoughtfully considered. This year’s event saw a host of panels and discussions based on the theme ‘Futures Worth Fighting For’ which focused on how to materialize our radical imaginations for a better world.

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Is Second Hand Old News?

After over a month of adjusting to our new way of life, here are my Top Tips for Ethical Consumption under Capitalism and Covid to As Much of a Degree as is Realistically Possible…

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Ethical and Sustainable Christmas Shopping

Still stuck for those last minute Christmas presents? We’ve got you sorted. Buying from local and independent business not only means your money benefits those within your community, but their environmental impact is often markedly lower as they don’t have to be shipped half way across the world…

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Dungeons and Dragons and Inclusivity

There’s generally a common perception around table-top roleplaying games regarding who they are for. They’re for white, male nerds, right? That’s the kind of people who play Dungeons and Dragons. The reality may surprise you…

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Heat for the Homeless, Edinburgh

Just over two years ago I was chatting to a man sat reading at the base of the Playfair steps. It was November and freezing cold. I asked him what the best thing he was ever given whilst being a rough sleeper was and he told me ‘a hot water bottle’. I always find it difficult knowing the right etiquette of what to give rough sleepers or anyone who is asking for help on the street…

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Accessibility and Art : Creativity has no Boundaries

It is important for me as a Body Positivity Activist and Artist to research artists who’s work goes beyond their physical body. For a creative person, the best way to articulate an experience is to have it documented in a way an audience can be influenced from. Be that music, poetry, art or performance. Creating Art on topical themes and personal experiences translates to people in ways that stick in minds and inspires people to do the same…

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