Meet the Clitbait Team: an interview with Sophie, Sex and Relationships Writer…
Meet the CB team: Sophie Somerville (she/her)
Name, Pronouns and Role:
Sophie (Soph), She/Her, Sex and Relationships Writer.
Fun Fact:
Lizzo and I were once at the same party. That was cool.
What does intersectional feminism mean to you?
Intersectional feminism is, in my eyes, an ever-evolving framework for understanding intersecting systems of oppression. Considering the complex and multi-faceted nature of oppression(s) and the ways in which they are uniquely experienced by every individual, intersectional feminism is about challenging our own privilege(s) in society as well as drawing attention to our oppression(s). It is about creating a community and amplifying the voices of those who have been siilenced. To me, intersectionality is an inherent and essential quality of feminism and one which every feminist should be actively attending to through their work.
What is your favourite thing about Clitbait?
I love so much about Clitbait but my favourite thing would have to be the community which Clitbait creates. Not only within its wonderful team, which I am lucky enough to be a part of, but also externally, Clitbait creates a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for everyone who engages with the platform and the content produced.
What inspires you?
Feminism inspires me every day, in all of its complex, resistant, creative resilience.
What things do you do outside Clitbait that you are proud of?
I am proud of my music, albeit still very absent from the online world. I have been writing songs and playing music for almost a decade now. For the last couple of years, I have been working with my lovely band (where time allows) and am constantly reminded of how much of a beautiful sense of escapism and a form of expression that music can be.
A feminist confession?
Whilst doing my Masters in ‘Applied Gender Studies’, I have found myself avoiding telling people what I study when they enquire, opting instead to answer with “teaching” or “policy”. My whole academic career has been grounded in feminism. For this, I should be loud, and proud, but I have found myself (with certain people) guilty of feeling embarrassed!
A personal feminist triumph?
Learning to be boundaried, how to say no. Being outspoken and honest and valuing my own time, body, and sense of self before concerning about others. Very much a triumph for me and one that feels resolutely feminist.
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