they tell you to
taste the rainbow
they tell you
there’s nothing to hide.
the very same people,
repulsed by your pride.
if it isn’t a commodity,
a source of cash flow,
they’d rather you wouldn’t
be so open and on show.
well, that’s too bad,
I’m sorry to say.
it’s our space to occupy,
proud and here to stay.
this didn’t come easy,
to forget is to be numb.
a war hard won,
with battles to come.
there is strength in numbers,
so be here with us.
the red of your blood,
the orange of a new day,
the yellow of sunshine,
the green of the grass,
the blue of the sea,
the indigo of gems,
and the violet of light.
the earth shouts it’s support,
it wants us to thrive.
and thrive we will,
whether you like it or not.
we answer it’s call,
with “love is love”,
the planet speaks back
that “love conquers all”.
Sophie Nankivell, Poetry Editor
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