Community Climate Action: What will the transition away from oil look like on the ground?

Friends of Earth is working with young people in Shetland to collect their views on what an energy transition underpinned by justice and worker’s rights can look like for their unique community. That same week, over 1,000 oil and gas workers joined with trade unions and climate campaigners to oppose Rosebank’s development and call for a just transition instead.

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Building Community: Intersections of the ‘Outdoors’ and ‘Belonging’.

It was interesting to overhear others discussing how much of a community we were. When I looked around me, I noticed the demographic of the room was overwhelmingly white and male. I paused to consider – what is community? Do I really feel included and accepted, or do I mould myself into what I think a “climber” or an “outdoors lover” is? An underlying question arises: who is excluded from accessing the outdoors?

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