On that night I was outside with the bouncers doing bag checks while also keeping an eye on them, as bouncers in general have a reputation for their bias against minority groups. So there I was, nestled in between two large and looming men in black wearing a pink beret and red lipstick. It was a terrifying sight indeed.
Dungeons and Dragons and Inclusivity
There’s generally a common perception around table-top roleplaying games regarding who they are for. They’re for white, male nerds, right? That’s the kind of people who play Dungeons and Dragons. The reality may surprise you…
Heat for the Homeless, Edinburgh
Just over two years ago I was chatting to a man sat reading at the base of the Playfair steps. It was November and freezing cold. I asked him what the best thing he was ever given whilst being a rough sleeper was and he told me ‘a hot water bottle’. I always find it difficult knowing the right etiquette of what to give rough sleepers or anyone who is asking for help on the street…
Bella Neergaard on ‘Women of Colour in Copenhagen: A Celestial Bodies Photo series’
Moving to Copenhagen for my year abroad felt like I was detached from a lot of the activism I had participated in Edinburgh. In my second year, I was very comfortable in my activism space and moving away forced me to look outwards. I decided to do another instalment of Celestial Bodies…