Meet the Clitbait Team: an interview with Kirsty Thomson, Social Media and Outreach…
Meet the CB team: Kirsty Thomson
Name Pronouns and Role:
Kirsty Thomson (she/her), Social Media and Outreach
Fun fact:
I was incredibly lucky to grow up for ten years in Singapore, moving over there when I was 1.
What does intersectional feminism mean to you?
To me, intersectional feminism is everything that feminism should be. I firmly believe that as a feminist, I should celebrate and seek out change for ALL women, whether they are like me or not.
What is your favourite thing about Clitbait?
My favourite thing about Clitbait is the community whom are involved. It as a group is so empowering and I love the way in which we can celebrate and learn from eachother. These gals make me proud to be a woman.
What inspires you?
For me, inspiration comes from everywhere. I am inspired by my mum who is a nurse and works hard to care for others; my beautiful best friend who has her own business; and even strangers who I meet going about their lives despite struggles we all may face.
What things do you do outside Clitbait that you are proud of?
Both within and outside of Clitbait, I love to express myself. I’m involved with EUAC at uni (Edinburgh University A Cappella Society) and I love to write.
A guilty feminist confession?
I absolutely love to cook. It kinda goes against the idea of women escaping the confines of the kitchen, but I’m trying to learn to love cooking for myself.
A personal feminist triumph?
I love working with young girls and trying to encourage them to seek out the best in themselves. For five years I worked with Guides and was a group leader of 30 girls aged 4-7 and I’d love every week to hear about their dreams and aspirations, explaining to them that they can do whatever they set their minds to.
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